
Saturday 16 March 2013

365 on Fallen Rock Zone

Our track 365 has had an interesting week. On Thursday it received some airplay on The Fallen Rock Zone Alternative show with hosts Sherry and Barb - thanks ladies! You can listen to the show via the widget below.

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Barb very kindly mentioned that there is a video available for the track and urged listeners to check it out. The video in question was an impromptu creation inspired by Seedhill Bruiser's earlier work, 'quiet disco at Seedhill's'


The video was clearly crying out to be looped and accompanied by music. When this was mentioned, Seedhill immediately requested his favourite TITN track, 365. And so a masterpiece was born.

We feel that this piece of cinema verité is a metaphor for the eternal, onward relentlessness of life and time passing as echoed in the song, along with the human capacity to find joy in simple things whilst being painfully aware of our insignificance and mortality. Actually, that last sentence was a load of pretentious bobbins; we just think that the video is a brilliant laugh. Hope you do too. Seedhill has the power of veto to take it down at any time, so enjoy it while you can - again, a metaphor for life.

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